Engineer In The Makingalamo World Geography
- Engineer In The Making Alamo World Geography 14th Edition
- Engineer In The Making Alamo World Geography Class
- Engineer In The Making Alamo World Geography Facts
Engineer noun person who plans the building of things, such as structures (construction engineer) or substances (chemical engineer). Engineering noun the art and science of building, maintaining, moving, and demolishing structures. Geographic information system (GIS) noun any system for capturing, storing, checking, and displaying data related to. Veronica was introduced to engineering by her father, a civil engineer who worked for the City of El Paso. A civil engineer designs or supervises the construction of public works projects, such as roads or canals. “So I kind of had an idea of what an engineer would do,” Veronica says, “and I always found it really interesting.”.
- The human-factors approach to design
- Applications of human-factors engineering
Engineer In The Making Alamo World Geography 14th Edition
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Join Britannica's Publishing Partner Program and our community of experts to gain a global audience for your work! William K. HolsteinSee All ContributorsHuman-factors engineering, also called ergonomics or human engineering, science dealing with the application of information on physical and psychological characteristics to the design of devices and systems for human use.
The term human-factors engineering is used to designate equally a body of knowledge, a process, and a profession. As a body of knowledge, human-factors engineering is a collection of data and principles about human characteristics, capabilities, and limitations in relation to machines, jobs, and environments. As a process, it refers to the design of machines, machine systems, work methods, and environments to take into account the safety, comfort, and productiveness of human users and operators. As a profession, human-factors engineering includes a range of scientists and engineers from several disciplines that are concerned with individuals and small groups at work.

The terms human-factors engineering and human engineering are used interchangeably on the North American continent. In Europe, Japan, and most of the rest of the world the prevalent term is ergonomics, a word formed from the Greek words, ergon, meaning “work,” and nomos, meaning “law.” Despite minor differences in emphasis, the terms human-factors engineering and ergonomics may be considered synonymous. The terms were used in the 1920s and ’30s to refer to problems of human relations in industry, an older connotation that has gradually dropped out of use. Some small specialized groups prefer such labels as bioastronautics, biodynamics, bioengineering, and manned-systems technology; these represent special emphases whose differences are much smaller than the similarities in their aims and goals.
The data and principles of human-factors engineering are concerned with human performance, behaviour, and training in human-machine systems; the design and development of human-machine systems; and systems-related biological or medical research. Because of its broad scope, human-factors engineering draws upon parts of such social or physiological sciences as anatomy, anthropometry, applied physiology, environmental medicine, psychology, sociology, and toxicology, as well as parts of engineering, industrial design, and operations research.

Engineer In The Making Alamo World Geography Class
The human-factors approach to design
Two general premises characterize the approach of the human-factors engineer in practical design work. The first is that the engineer must solve the problems of integrating humans into machine systems by rigorous scientific methods and not rely on logic, intuition, or common sense. In the past the typical engineer tended either to ignore the complex and unpredictable nature of human behaviour or to deal with it summarily with educated guesses. Human-factors engineers have tried to show that with appropriate techniques it is possible to identify human-machine mismatches and that it is usually possible to find workable solutions to these mismatches through the use of methods developed in the behavioral sciences.
The second important premise of the human-factors approach is that, typically, design decisions cannot be made without a great deal of trial and error. There are only a few thousand human-factors engineers out of the thousands of thousands of engineers in the world who are designing novel machines, machine systems, and environments much faster than behavioral scientists can accumulate data on how humans will respond to them. More problems, therefore, are created than there are ready answers for them, and the human-factors specialist is almost invariably forced to resort to trying things out with various degrees of rigour to find solutions. Thus, while human-factors engineering aims at substituting scientific method for guesswork, its specific techniques are usually empirical rather than theoretical.
The human-machine model
Human-factors engineers regard humans as an element in systems, and a human-machine model is the usual way of representing that relationship. The simplest model of a human-machine unit consists of an individual operator working with a single machine. In any machine system the human operator first has to sense what is referred to as a machine display, a signal that tells the individual something about the condition or the functioning of the machine. A display may be the position of a pointer on a dial, a light flashing on a control panel, the readout of a digital computer, the sound of a warning buzzer, or a spoken command issuing from a loudspeaker.
Having sensed the display, the operator interprets it, perhaps performs some computation, and reaches a decision. In so doing, the worker may use a number of human abilities, including the ability to remember and to compare current perceptions with past experiences, to coordinate those perceptions with strategies formed in the past, and to extrapolate from perceptions and past experiences to solve novel problems. Psychologists commonly refer to these activities as higher mental functions; human-factors engineers generally refer to them as information processing.

Having reached a decision, the human operator normally takes some action. This action is usually exercised on some kind of a control—a push button, lever, crank, pedal, switch, or handle. The action upon one or more of these controls exerts an influence on the machine and on its output, which in turn changes the display, so that the cycle is continuously repeated.
A human-machine system does not exist in isolation; it exists in an environment of some sort. Since the nature of this environment influences the operator’s efficiency and performance, the human-factors engineer must be concerned with such environmental factors as temperature, humidity, noise, illumination, acceleration, vibration, and noxious gases and contaminants.
A human-machine example
Driving an automobile is a familiar example of a simple human-machine system. In driving, the operator receives inputs from outside the vehicle (sounds and visual cues from traffic, obstructions, and signals) and from displays inside the vehicle (such as the speedometer, fuel indicator, and temperature gauge). The driver continually evaluates this information, decides on courses of action, and translates those decisions into actions upon the vehicle’s controls—principally the accelerator, steering wheel, and brake. Finally, the driver is influenced by such environmental factors as noise, fumes, and temperature.
The simple human-machine model provides a convenient way for organizing some of the major concerns of human engineering: the selection and design of machine displays and controls; the layout and design of workplaces; design for maintainability; and the work environment.
Human factors in large systems
No matter how important it may be to match an individual operator to a machine, some of the most challenging and complex human problems arise in the design of large human-machine systems and in the integration of human operators into these systems. Examples of such large systems are a modern jet airliner, an automated post office, an industrial plant, a nuclear submarine, and a space vehicle launch and recovery system. In the design of such systems, human-factors engineers study, in addition to all the considerations previously mentioned, three factors: personnel, training, and operating procedures.
Systems are generally designed for particular kinds of operators. A space vehicle, for example, is designed for a highly select handful of astronauts. Automobiles, on the other hand, are designed to accommodate a wide spectrum of people. In large systems, the specification of personnel requirements is an integral part of systems design.

Personnel are trained; that is, they are given appropriate information and skills required to operate and maintain the system. System design includes the development of training techniques and programs and often extends to the design of training devices and training aids.
Instructions, operating procedures, and rules set forth the duties of each operator in a system and specify how the system is to function. Tailoring operating rules to the requirements of the system and the people in it contributes greatly to safe, orderly, and efficient operations.

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The following information on careers in geography is from the website of the Association of American Geographers (AAG), which is a resource for those interested in pursuing employment in the field of geography. Environmental Systems Research Institute (Esri) also has a great website on various industries that use geospatial technology, such as GIS.
Engineer In The Making Alamo World Geography Facts
Many occupations require knowledge of and skills in geography. Geographers work in many different areas, such as environmental management, education, disaster response, city and county planning, community development, and more. Geography is an interdisciplinary field that offers diverse career opportunities.
Many geographers pursue rewarding careers in business; local, state, or federal government agencies; nonprofit organizations; and schools. Geographers with graduate (master’s and doctorate) degrees may become educators in higher education (community colleges and universities).