Nc Historymr.o's
North Carolina History Timeline of North Carolina History North Carolina County Development Time Map, 1664-1911 Browse by time period Precolonial Period (pre-1600) Colonial Period (1600-1763) American Revolution (1763-1789) Early Statehood (1789-1820) Antebellum (1820-1861) Civil War (1861-1865) Reconstruction (1865-1876) Gilded Age (1876-1900). North Carolina Listings in the National Register of Historic Places as of Alphabetical by county. 9/16/2019 Listings with an address have an online PDF of the.

The North Carolina State Historical Records Advisory Board (SHRAB) is the central advisory board for historical records planning and project assistance in the state and is responsible for assuring that the objectives of the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC) are implemented in North Carolina.
Nc History Mr.o's Records
Created by state statute in 1975, the SHRAB develops educational tools and programs that help documentary repositories throughout North Carolina preserve and provide access to historical records and archival materials. The SHRAB also reviews and evaluates proposals submitted by North Carolina applicants to the NHPRC.